Monday, October 29, 2012

Bellringer 10-29-12

Well theres a few things that i can say an get in trouble for Obama but instead ima not say a word because i have nothing to say good about him! he is a no good ****** ******!

10-25-12 bellringer

Well the things they had talked about they made it a joke an i dont beleive its right that they have been joking around the hole time. That is wrong an disresectful


I dont know to much about what the president is talking about. But i can say that i do agree with him on helping the poor out more


I think that thats alot of money to be spending on that! I think they should spend the money on stuff for people in this world that is needing food clothes ext...

Monday, October 22, 2012


Well i honestly dont know what this stuff you put on here but will u please put somthing i can actually know somthing about an can do the bell ringer correct. Taling about gambling an what it has to do with the goverment is crazy.

Friday, October 19, 2012

10-11-12 bellringer

Well alot of people dont like Obama because of his race. An alot like him. No matter what you do you will have haters an lovers. But no matter what you will have it. But as long as they dont phisically hurt the person then theres no one in thus world that is not gonna make you hate or love someone


Well i think it would be interesting if the canidates would dress up in a differnt uniform like big bird an other people an it would get the youth into all the stuff an they could start young.

bell ringer 10-19-12

Well i wish i had an actual bellringer i understood an do it correct way! Idont under stand half opf this stuff an dont know what to write

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Well ill just be honest with you again. I have no idea what they are talking about. I think they just need to go ahead an vote an see witch one wins an hope its not Obama! I want Mitt Romney to win it!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2nd bellringer 10-16-12

I dont kno much about all of these canidates an stuff like that! All i know is i do not like Obama an i wouldnt vote for him! He is making it so hard on these older people that dont have much income an making his self rich!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012


Well i think sometimes its a good idead for the no child left behind! There is some students that need more help an should be held back but you have some students that know alot of the stuff but just dont know the real high tech stuff about the class but the normal stuff you kno but u fail in middle school yes you should be able to

Friday, October 12, 2012


Well i think the african americans think they are going to get away with alot of stuff with Obama in office but there not because if they do its not going to be good

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


well i think that Facebook should be taken off the internet! Its nothing but a drama starting stuff an theirs a lot of kid hurting them selves over it.!

Monday, October 8, 2012


I really dont know much about thius they are selling tickets to wake up early.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


All ive gotta say is get obama outta there an it will get better

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10-2-12 bellringer

Yes Mitt Romney should win the election this year! Ihate Obama because of what he has done with the OBAMA CARE for older people an how he has did the gass an ammo cost in this country!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Pros an Cons about Gangs

GANGS! Pros- 1. gangs are up all night so they dont let anyone mess with the town, but they could be the ones that does it. 2.teaches people to work together as long as its not in a bad way 3.could help the community clean up 4.join gangs because they didn't have no one to be with any the gang will hang out with you 5. Cons- 1.Drugs 2.Violence 3.Theft 4.have guns an not smart enough to use them the correct way. 5.Makes little kids scared 6.makes the town look bad 7.sign your life to a gang 8.they usually don't work 9.get on them drugs an they go crazy 10.worthless!

bellringer 10-1-12

Well I had thought that everything that you had to go through to get on a plane they would for sure be able to catch a loaded gun in a suit case. I think maybe the person who let it slide was into something with him or, it was absolutely an accident?