Friday, August 31, 2012

Civics 8-31-12

First Peaceful Transfer of Political Power
1. This was demonstrated by the very first modern new democracy, the United States of America. The Americans first experiences as an independent democratic republic in the 1780’s and 1790’s. However, in 1801 this first modern democratic regime added to its already impressive set of political achievements the first-ever peaceful transition of power after democratic elections had been won by a party in opposition to the government of the day. By the beginning of the eighteenth century, the representative assemblies, especially their increasingly powerful lower houses, dominated colonial politics, disappointing British imperial administrators' hopes that the royally-appointed governors would play the dominant role.
 2. Between 1776 and 1787, American political thinking became even more receptive to the case for energetic government.  To understand the beginnings of party politics in the new nation in the 1790s, it is particularly important to note the lesson about executive power that Americans were beginning to draw from their political experience in the 1770s and 1780s. Here we see them learning from their failures as well as from their successes. Suspicion about and jealousy of power wielded by political executives had become an almost automatic reflex during colonial and revolutionary politics, because colonial governors had been officers with British rather than American political bases and loyalties, and because American Whigs accepted the English Whig tradition that had championed the rights of the legislature over a tyrannical executive.
3.However, by the time that Massachusetts politicians (most prominently and vigorously, John Adams) wrote that state's second constitution in 1780, and even more clearly when the federal Constitution of 1787 was being discussed, it had become evident to thoughtful Americans that it was a serious error to make executives too weak and too subordinate to the legislature. One very good reason why Americans in the eighteenth century found it less easy than we do today to consider political parties as useful and even respectable devices is that in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries political parties–and bloody international and civil wars–had been based on religious differences and (as in the English civil war) on conflicts over sovereignty that were inseparable from such religious differences.
4. James Madison's Federalist Number 10 makes it clear that political parties of a kind were (as one would expect) anticipated by the experienced politicians who favored the new Constitution. However, what Madison, like other Federalists, expected to see in American national politics was not parties of principle, but "factions," that is, parties motivated by passions and interests that, if they could have their way, would surely enact policies that are unjust or unwise. In free countries these inevitably try to exert political influence.
Jordan Holley
3rd&4TH Period Civics!

8-31-12 bell ringer

Well i think it is a very good idea to make sure you are an American citizen an to ID you! But you cant pick out of the people such as African American, Hispanics an ext... You have to do it the fair way an check everyone!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

bellringer 8-30-12

Well i honestly dont know to much about hurricanes! An i do not want to thats why im not going to move out of West Virginia! The only thing i do know is that Katrina was very bad, but Issac hasnt ended yet alot could happen yet...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

8-29-12 Centinel paper

A. Who is the author? Samuel Bryan!
B. When was the essay written? 1787-1789!
C. What had happened already when this essay published? The constitution was written!

Task 1: The Federalist papers basically says the same thing as the constitution or close to it.

Task 2:

8-29-12 bellringer 8)

Is faking your death a crime? Yes indeed it is! It is crazy to fake your death any how why in the world would you do such a thing?! The only way it isn't crazy is if someone is chasing you an wanting to kill you, but do it just to get money then yes you need to go to jail!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Federalist Paper #10 8-28-12

The author of the federalist paper was James Madison. The paper was written in 1787. An the audience was federalist! The faction is one small group of 3-5 inside of a larger group! Some of the new factions today is like the cops there is like a sheriff of the county there is other cops that have different meanings that is a type of fiction. They couldn't use them the reason is that you have to have different types of groups an an they have to have a reason to be doing it.
  • Involves the government ruling and making laws for the "greater good" of all people, they may abolish personal rights in doing so.
  • Democracy is government by and for the people. They may or may not be republics--that is, government limited by constitution or charter.
  • The tricky part of "democracy" is defining "the people" and then deciding what counts as "by the people" and what counts as "for the people." In a sense, that could be considered the content of democratic practice.
  • Citizens are expected to participate more actively in a democracy.

  • Involves the government using and abiding by the constitution heavily. Personal rights are respected and cannot be taken away. This helps to avoid tyranny and mobocracy the majority makes laws and governs by passion, prejudice, or impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences.
  • Republics are the common and "standard" type of governments found today, not democracies, despite what many people (who may not know the definition of either) think.
  • Just as democracies may or may not be republics, republics may or may not be democracies.


I do believe that he does have the right to pray! As long as you have a religion I personally don't see a problem with it. But if your doing it just to make fun of some one or something then you need to be in trouble. No one can stop you from doing your kinda religion so yes he can pray!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Benjamin Franklin

Hello, I am Benjamin Franklin I was born on January 17, 1706 in Massachusetts. My father was, Josiah Franklin and my mother was Abiah Flogger. I am a federalist, and I was 81 years old in 1787! I am leading figures of early American history; I was a statesman, author, publisher, scientist, inventor and diplomat. .I also had very little education growing up basically I was self-taught! I also negotiated the 1783 Treaty of Paris that ended the Revolutionary War (1775-83). I also played a major role in establishing the University of Pennsylvania.

BELL RINGER 8-27-12 :)

Well from the article on the blogger, I do believe that if you have a certain type or religion then you can do it but you have to have proof that you are.. They need to give her job back because that is hating on her religion.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Aug. 24, 2012 NOTES! :)

Federalist is the ones that supported the constitution. James Madison is the father of the constitution! The federalist papers was a collects of essays to support the constitution.. Delaware was the 1st state that ratified the constitution, an the 9th state was New Hampshire.
Anti federalist include:
George Mason
Thomas Paine
Patrick Henry
Samuel Adams
George Clinton
Federalists include:
John Hancock (Massachusetts)
Alexander Hamilton (New York)
James Madison (Virginia)
John Jay (New York)
George Washington (Virginia)
John Adams (Massachusetts)
George Mason (Virginia)
Edmund Randolph (Virginia)
Elbridge Gerry (Massachusetts)


Well as we all know there is drama all over the place! I hate drama! But I can tell you one thing, these new ways of communication is starting it all! As i just read even the politicians are even having fights about tweeting about each other an things they do on twitter! :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

8-23/24-12 Civics

1. Define the Constitution..... in your own word in a PARAGRAPH (3-5 sentences)-The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. The constitution is made-up of three parts: the first part is preamble; the second part are Articles which outline how the government runs; the 3 part is the Amendments. Its basically a document that tells us our freedoms and lays down laws that are beneficial to our rights as humans and citizen
2.      How would your life be without the constitution ? very wild reckless an lawless!

3.     Define the following words:

Ratification-The act of ratifying; the state of being ratified; confirmation; sanction; as, the ratification of a treaty.

Faction- A group of persons forming a cohesive, usually contentious minority within a larger group

Federalism- A system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units

Federalist-A member or supporter of the Federalist Party.

The Great Compromise-The basic structure of the Senate and House of Representatives resulted from the Great Compromise of 1787

Checks And Balances-Principle of government under which separate branches are empowered to prevent actions by other branches and are induced to share power

Democratic- It is one where ultimate authority and power is derived from the citizens.
Delegated Powers of the Federal Government-Have the right to print money, coins, trade good.

Reserved Powers of the State Governments-Conduct elections

Separation of Powers-Separate independent bodies

Civil Liberties-Independent right such as religion, speech & freedom!

Citizenship test

Well i thought i would do better but I am only half of an American Citizen! I got 5 out of 10 correct but i would like to know witch ones I got right an wrong. Just because you live in a culture don't mean you know every thing about it. A lot of people think that but its true. But that's how i feel!

bell ringer 8-23-12

well to start with, that it is crazy that people is going to start a bunch of crazy stuff an raise heck about Paul Ryan living in Wisconsin but still having a Steeler's Terrible Towel! That is my thought because i live in West Virginia an i like other things outside of the state but they don't complain about it. So whats the difference in him?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bell ringer 8-22-12

The race on president on Nov. 6th 2012! I think Mitt Romney is going to win this time, because a few weeks back Romney was 3% ahead an i just have a feeling they will vote Obama out this year! I hope so!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

About me!

Hey my name is Jordan Holley. My birth date is 02-22-95 I am 17 years old an also have my drivers licenses. I drive a 1999 Ford F-150 extended cab dark blue with a WV sticker in the back glass. I like my ol' work boots an jeans to wear any day. Im just an old country boy from the great hills of Barbour County, West Virginia. I love to do all kinds of hunting, my favorite way is with the bow! Another fun thing i do is i love trout fishing, cat fishing, an also pond fishing. I love to ride four wheeler. But the main thing for me is a good paying job welding! Welding is one of the best things in life that I love doing that I can get paid for it! This is all i figured you needed to if you wanna know more just ask!